Jimmy Buffett’s Death Raises Skin Cancer Awareness
Merkel Cell Carcinoma is the cause of Jimmy Buffett’s death; a lesser common, but aggressive skin cancer. Skin checks and prevention are key.
My Melanoma Story
One of our patients sent us a letter to tell their melanoma story. This is a story of how Dr. Weir saved their life. My melanoma story starts with my Dad My melanoma story starts with my Dad. He had a history of melanoma, so I have been seeing a dermatologist every...
Ribbon Cutting Marks One-Year Anniversary of Dermatology Associates of Lincoln
Celebrating 1 Year in Business We celebrated one year in business with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house on June 3rd. Our providers and staff, local healthcare providers, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, and Lincoln business leaders all joined in on the...
Let There Be Light!
Did you know that light can be used as a safe and effective treatment for conditions that cause itchy and irritated skin? Safe and Effective Phototherapy is often considered a first-line treatment for many autoimmune skin diseases. It is effective in treating skin...
Prevent Melasma Today for Better Skin Tomorrow
Do you struggle with worsening pigmentation on your face or neck every spring/summer? You may have a skin condition called melasma, also know as ‘chloasma’ or ‘pregnancy mask”. Now is the best time of year to start thinking about prevention, and if necessary,...
What is Causing My Rash? The Challenge of Allergic Contact Dermatitis.
Do you have a rash that is red and itchy? Or do you also have blisters, fissures, scaling, tenderness and burning sensation on your skin? You may have Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD); a rash that results from your skin touching a substance that you are allergic to....
Sun Protection for Runners – Prep for the Good Life Halfsy
I have been a runner for almost 25 years. While I like to think that I am still the same athlete that I was back in my competitive college days, a lot of things have changed since then. I run about half as many miles as I used to, my pace is slower, I spend more...
Atopic Dermatitis: Clear is possible!
What is Eczema? Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a chronic itchy skin condition that affects roughly 9.6 million children and 16.5 million adults in the United States. This itchiness can lead to dry skin and is made worse by scratching. Commonly affected are...
Hand Dermatitis…on the Rise Due to COVID-19
Hand dermatitis occurs for many reasons and is commonly seen in certain professions that have an increased exposure to water or chemicals (healthcare workers, daycare providers, mechanics, etc.) or in colder climates. However, we are now seeing many more patients with...
“Maskne”…when Protection Causes Pimples
Maskne,, a frustrating new kind of breakout

Dermatology Associates of Lincoln
6969 South Street
Lincoln, NE 68506
View Map
Phone: 402-413-7460
Fax: 402-413-7486
Clinic Hours
M/W/TH/F: 8am–4:30pm
Tuesday: 7am–4:30pm
Phone Hours
M/W/TH/F: 8am–5pm
Tuesday: 7am–5pm